

Play 2 Grow

Fridays 9am to 10.30am
(during school terms)

We offer our community playgroup, 'Play 2 Grow' every Friday morning from 9:00am to 10.30am, held in our school hall during term time.  

You are welcome to keep up to date with playgroup via Facebook by clicking on this linkWe would love for you to come and join in the fun.

Our playgroup is a member of the Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education (SPiCE) network.  Being a member of this network provides access to ongoing professional learning that supports the  innovative program we offer.

Children under five years of age can enjoy stories, puzzles, art, craft, songs and some extra quality time with their parents/carers.

The cost for each session is a gold coin donation. 

To learn more about our engaging program, please contact our front office staff on 82183300 or ask to speak to Karina, our Playgroup Coordinator.

Play 2 Grow